Recently aging has been shoved into my face. It feels that in no time I will be leaving my 20s and entering the 30s. I have been worrying about age spots, scars, crow's feet and gray hairs. I feel that I am aging too fast but I don't need to be a finance analyst to know I'm broke at the moment. What can girls do to ward off aging while on a tight budget?
Use sunscreen! As long as it doesn't say it's expired it will still work. If the expiration date has worn off and it's past two years old then I would replace it.
Lotions of any type will still work; even the cheap stuff from the dollar store can work. When it comes down to it, skin needs daily moisture no matter the season and even the cheap stuff can work in a pinch. When funds are more readily available, it is better to purchase a higher quality moisturizer, especially for the face.
Loosen up when working out. So many women tighten up their facial and neck muscles when exercising and it only causes further unnecessary strain, it will show as you age down the road.
Prevent wrinkles in your sleep! Use a satin pillowcase, and try to sleep on your back. As you sleep on your sides or belly you squish your face, and over time this could cause wrinkles. Using a cotton pillowcase can pull on sensitive skin while satin is slippery and won't cling to the face as easy.
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